Protecting your Organization – Ongoing Screening

(Last Updated On: May 30, 2019)

Date of Event: June 19, 2019

Time: 11:00 a.m. EST

Post hire screening has been increasing in popularity amongst a variety of companies in recent years and for good reason.  Employee’s misdeeds can pose a serious risk to an organization and the people they serve.  Many organizations are mandated to complete routine ongoing searches.  In other instances, an organization may simply choose to re-screen employees to help decrease risk, protect their reputation, or help to qualify an individual prior to promotion.

This webinar will shed light on items to consider when making a decision about ongoing screening of candidates.  Additionally, we will highlight existing Justifacts’ tools available to help keep the process organized, time efficient, and consistent.

You’ll learn:

·Advantages to re-screening employees on an ongoing and consistent basis

·Best Practice Policies for on-going background checks

·Compliance Requirements related to on-going screening.

·How Justifacts’ Free Employee Management Screening Tool can help manage your on-going screening process

Speaker: Dan Cubarney has been assisting clients with their background screening process for over 10 years.  He is a respected speaker on candidate screening programs and FCRA Compliance issues. 

Click on the link below and register today!