Customer Service in the Age of the Online Interface

(Last Updated On: October 26, 2018)

customer service

Imagine Peter Shankman’s delight upon arriving after a long flight, only to be greeted at the airport with a steak from Morton’s Steakhouse. Shankman could never have dreamed that his idle pre-flight tweet, in which he jokingly requested Morton’s steak upon touchdown. This lead to the presence of a tuxedo-clad Morton’s employee at his arrival gate, with a mouth-watering dinner in tow.

If you’re interested in the details of this charming customer service story and others, check out this article.

Of course, we all know that customer service is not always this outstanding. Now more than ever, when more of our business takes place online than face-to-face, it can seem like providers are simply nowhere to be found when you need help.

In a recent article in Yahoo! Small Business Advisor, it is evident that any business’s online interface is only as good as the people behind it. The statistics reported in this article show that consumers rely on easy-to-use online systems. However, what these statistics reflect even more strongly is the reliance upon prompt, friendly, and effective customer service from real-live human beings.

Justifacts’ Unmatched Customer Service

The consumers’ top priorities reported in this article are the same priorities upon which Justifacts bases its customer service approach. Here are three main branches of our customer service strategy:

1. Quick Resolution to the Problem

We know that your time is limited and that you cannot be wasting it waiting for a response or solution from us. When you call or email Justifacts, your point of contact responds to your call or email promptly to address the question or issue at hand. If we need to consult with colleagues here at our office, this is done right away, and we stress the urgency involved in your request for information or assistance.

2. Point of Contact Who is Familiar with You and Your Needs

When you contact Justifacts, your call or email is not herded into a general customer service corral of requests. It is not to be answered by an anonymous customer service representative with no knowledge of your company’s specific priorities. Rather, you are able to contact your company’s dedicated account manager. This is one human being who is your consistent point of contact. You know his or her name, and he or she knows yours. You have dialogues about your business’s needs and challenges, your account manager’s objective is to collaborate with you to successfully meet those challenges.

3. Tiered Hierarchy of Customer Service

Justifacts operates on a team-based system, so you can be sure that there will always be someone available to answer your questions and any concerns. If your account manager is in a meeting or on the phone, you can speak to the assistant account manager, who is capable of assisting you. Many teams at Justifacts have multiple assistants, in order to maximize our ability to assist clients quickly and effectively. Your sales manager is another key player in the team-based framework upon which Justifacts relies. With several individuals eager to respond to any need you have, you can be sure that all questions and issues will be addressed promptly.

If we could, we’d even bring you a steak at the airport!


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